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# Getting Started

Welcome to Runflow's documentation.

# Hello World 👋

# File: hello.hcl

# Define a flow naming as "hello".
# There can only be only one flow declaration per flow file.
flow "hello" {

  # The task defines what should be done.
  # In this example, we run a bash command `echo`.
  task "bash_run" "echo" {
    command = "echo 'hello world'"


# References


Core Tasks:

  • References: Bash Run Task.
  • References: Flow Run Task.
  • References: File Write Task. Runflow supports these file systems: GitHub, FTP, SFTP, Arrow HDFS, HTTP, Zip, local Git repo, SMB, etc.
  • References: File Read Task. Runflow supports these file systems: GitHub, FTP, SFTP, Arrow HDFS, HTTP, Zip, local Git repo, SMB, etc.
  • References: Hcl2 Template Task.
  • References: Http Request Task.
  • References: Smtp Send Task.
  • References: Sql Exec Task. Runflow supports these databases: SQLite3, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle, etc.
  • References: Sql Row Task. Runflow supports these databases: SQLite3, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle, etc.

Community Tasks:

Python API References:

# Tutorials

# Advanced Usage

# Change Log